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Recent Beer Festivals

Meeting 'Official' Robbin Hood in Nottingham Beer Festival-the world's largest beer festival!!

Nottingham beer festival is the world's largest festival for beers and ciders and taken place in Nottingham Castle every October!!

It was a nice surprise seeing all of my beer friends, mentor and teacher at the same place!! No wonder all of beer enthusiasts came to this festival as nice atmosphere in Nottingham Castle and a good selection of real ales!!

I came across several beer friends at other beer festivals, and they remebered me!! Not only my beer friends and my beer mentor, Tim but also my beer teacher at the National Brewing Museum in Burton-Upon-Trent!! He was my tour guide at the museum, and it was a really nice reunion and I could say thank you as he is one of my contributors for my dissertation.

I was also introduced official 'Robbin Hood' at the venue. He is the proper one as the city of Nottingham accepts him as 'official' one. He also has his business card!!

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