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Hello! I am Maiko, who was a Japanese student at Bournemouth University in the UK from 2012 to 2014. I am a big fan of real ales, and a member of the CAMRA (Campaign for Real Ales). Real-ales and global-dominated lagers are very different from production to tastes. I used to drink lagers in Tokyo as Japanese beer market has been occupied by lagers, but started drinking ales since I found the variety tastes of locally produced real ales. My favourite ale is 'hoppy' IPA (Indian Pale Ales).


I visited lots of beer festivals in 2013 and 2014, and also had several opportunities to work for beer festivals as a volunteer! Tapped thousands of pints of real ales only for 5 hours!! Can you imagine that? But it is my pleasure.From my interest of real ales and its culture in the UK, I wrote up my dissertation which speclialises in beer festivals and local breweries. I completed my dissertation with distinction in September, 2014. Through my research at beer festivals in the UK, I met lots of fantastic ales and people. 'Real als has helped the Japanese lady not only to produce her master's thesis but also to understand the culture, its regions and people.' (From Maiko's dissertation)


Lastly, nobody belives me at the moment, but I could not drink beers and ales the first time I came to England, which was ten years ago!! My old friends who met in Sheffield, and Japanese friends in Tokyo know it. At the moment, I usually drink four or five pints of beers average for a couple of hours at pubs!! Who changed me??


Cheers, Maiko





Maiko is from Tokyo, Japan. She came across 'the Great British Beer Festival' during her placement in London, and became a big fan of ales and beer festivals. Without the opportunity of her placements, she could not have any ideas on her dissertation.



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