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Recent Beer Festivals

My first anniversary at the GBBF- Meeting up my beer mentor, Tim!!!

The Great British Beer Festival is the biggest beer festival in the UK. They had over 900 real ales in Olympia. Obviously, one day is not enough to sample all types of beers!! This time I visited this festival as a festival attendee.

I had been struggling with my dissertation, and only one day after I had an appointment with my supervisor. As I am a good student, I was there and observed beer enthusiasts for finalising my thesis. Of course, it is a fantastic excuse again!

And it was a nice surprise to see Tim-who is a beer enthusiast and I met him at Ealing, Derby, Chelmsford. He is one of the contributors for my dissertation. He is on my thesis as an excellent example of beer tourists, and also my fantastic beer mentor.This time I was a customer too, and we tried nice beers together!! I also met several volunteers at beer bars I worked with at Ealing and Derby. They remebered me!!

Tim, and other beer friends at beer festivals, you are absolutely my beer mentors and friends. Without all of you, I could not complete my dissertation.

Cheers, and see you in other beer festivals!!

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