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Recent Beer Festivals

A brewery visit and nice gifts-Interview with Acorn Brewery in Barnsley!!

After catching up with my friends in Marple and Liverpool, my proper research began with Acorn Brewery in Barnsley.

Last night, I enjoyed having a nice curry, and sampling six bottles of ales with my beer friend Alex and my special friends in Chesterfield. Alex prepared the set of ales to me with his hearty welcome! Although I tried all of them, I was not hang over at all! It was my pleasure to try a great selection of ales.

I came over to Wombwell in Barnsley, located only 20 minutes by a train from Sheffield. I knew a couple of people from Barnsley, and they alway made me confused as their heavy Barnsley accents! My friends in Sheffield also have difficulty to understand their English. I was hoping my interviewee David, who was a brewery manager in Acorn Brewery, would speak 'standard' English on my way to Wombwell.

I visited the office at Acorn Brewery, and found David spoke English clearly. He kindly offered me a quick brewery tour, which generals were not allowed to come in. After the tour, I started an interview with David, and it was very meaningful and helpful. I learned a lot from him, and as he was very talkative, it was great to get lots of information as it was my first interview in my project. After the interview, he gave me their original T-shirt and a nice bottle of ale as gifts!! That was a nice surprise!!

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